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Why the Conservative Party owes Diane Abbott an apology
With the Conservative Party in such a state, you would be inclined to think that, at the very least, they could avoid the days of race...
The future for British Black lives
As the United States enters its fourth week of protests against the heartless killing of George Floyd, the UK has responded in solidarity...
Listen and Learn: How to be a Non-Optical Ally
Whilst the #BlackLivesMatter movement has existed for about seven years since the shooting of Trayvon Martin, its presence as a household...
Statues and Systemic Racism: why Colston could not fall peacefully
The fall of Edward Colston’s statue in Bristol has sparked fierce debate across the country and the globe. The statue was captured during...
The Real Victims of Labour's Factionalism Revealed by Leaked Dossier
Perhaps more than any other party in Western politics, the Labour Party has always been a home to contention and huge internal conflict....
Against stop and search
From an early age it was clear to me that my skin colour would be a source of anxiety and intimidation to some. Stop and search and its...
Racism and Rodney Reed
A 19-year-old woman is sexually assaulted and murdered. Two men are plausible suspects. The first failed two lie-detector tests, has an...
Racism in sport: can it be solved?
On Monday 14th October, England beat Bulgaria 6-0 in a UEFA Euro qualifying match, which was overshadowed by racism. Bulgaria fans...
Racism in Britain is here to stay
In 2018, there were a record 1,652 number of anti-Semitic crimes reported, an increase of 16% from 2017. Over half the registered...
Malaysia: Corruption Through Institutionalised Racism
Photograph: Flickr, malaysianview Despite the harmonious multicultural discourse within which Malaysian tourism ads continuously endorse...
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