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Salvini stumbles? The wider lessons from the Emilia-Romagna election
Italy is famous for its turbulent politics, for how parties and governments come and go at the whim of the country’s proportional system....

Following Britain: Will other countries join in leaving the EU?
The United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union is unprecedented. Not only did it come as a surprise to many European countries, it...

Constructing a meaningful anti-fascist politics
“To forget a Holocaust is to kill twice”. On the 75th anniversary of Auschwitz’s liberation, the words of Elie Wiesel, himself a...

The Americanisation of British politics is nearly complete
America is the great bogeyman of British culture. We are constantly afraid that we are too much like America, and thus are losing...

Personality determines public policy and encourages dangerous rhetoric
Personality has been a factor of increasing significance in 21st Century politics: the election of Donald Trump, the Brexit referendum...

Can comic actor Vladimir Zelenskiy improve Ukrainian politics?
Since the 2014 revolution, Ukraine has undergone many significant changes. The most serious of these has been the Russian annexation of...
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