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Lions led by drug-mules - the Tory drug scandal
Gossip is the mortar that holds society together. How we know we can trust people without having to go through the laborious task of...
Peter Hitchens is Right. Why Cannabis Legalisation is a Terrible Idea
Cannabis is dangerous. The NHS warns about the risks of developing psychotic illnesses as a result of regular cannabis use; the European...
The War on Drugs Has Failed: It’s Time for Legalisation
The seemingly never-ending debate surrounding the legalisation of drugs is heavily contested; yet the solution is conspicuous. The War on...
Britain’s Puritanical Drugs Policy and the Horn of Africa
Photograph: Flickr, A. Davey In 2014 the UK government, under guidance from Theresa May, moved to incorporate Khat into the Misuse of...
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