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Love or hate him, there were few so sincere: a look at the legacy of Bernie Sanders
I try to make a point not to idolise politicians, but I think it is hard not to look at Bernie Sanders and find characteristics worthy of...
Biden's Super Tuesday Bounce
In the short space of less than a week, the Democratic primary election seems to have changed dramatically. In actual fact, it has...
Need to know: US Democratic Primaries
What is it? You might not have noticed, but every four years, the US has a presidential election. The two parties that matter, the...
Bernie 2020: How the former fringe candidate will tackle Trump
For most, this was the worst kept secret in US politics. People ‘felt the Bern’ in 2016 and it is fair to assume that the Democratic...
A Berning Momentum: Why Sanders and Corbyn Aren’t The Same Politician
Flickr/ 350 Vermont On the surface the similarities between Corbyn and Sanders are unquestionable. They're old, they're ‘socialists’,...
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