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A defence of grammar schools
In 1965, the Labour Education Secretary, Anthony Crosland, is rumoured to have said ‘If it’s the last thing I do, I’m going to destroy...

'Use your voice against Mrs 'Strong and Stable'!'
It is unsurprising that our unelected PM, Theresa May, has gone against her repeated promises by calling a general election because she...

'Corbyn - the toxic, outdated relic'
I strongly believe that this election gives everyone in this country a fundamental and clear choice: between an efficient, strong,...

Gordon Brown at Warwick - truly worth waking up for
Image: Wikimedia Commons It’s not every day you receive an email asking if you “want to see Gordon Brown in two days’ time?” Last Tuesday...

Exploring the Brexit argument through the eyes of a Warwick Student
Photograph: Flickr / mpd01605 Warwick University campus has been fortunate to play host to two Eurosceptic public figures this week,...

Choose a better way for Warwick: Vote to exit the NUS
Photo: Flickr / iancvt55 Questions surrounding whether the NUS represents students across UK, and whether Student Union’s can even...

Between truth and fiction: why Warwick should stay in the NUS
Over the past few weeks, a lot of people have suddenly become very animated about the NUS – ostensibly as a straightforward reaction to...

Revealing the Economic Truth behind Brexit Myths
The topic in the forefront of everyone’s minds is no doubt the European Union referendum looming in the coming month of June. With the UK...

Why Third Place in the Mayoral Race Will Decide London's Future
As the London Mayoral race continues to underwhelm, it seems Londoners and the major candidates themselves will be contented to witness...

We Need A Fresh Approach For A Safer Society: PCC Elections
Democracy can only work when people are given a real choice between candidates. Democracy works best when it includes all members of our...
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