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For and Against: Are terrorists beyond redemption?
Oliver Barsby argues against In November 2019, in the build-up to an election, the whole of Britain stopped to pay respect to victims of...

Greta Thunberg: too much power for a teenager?
Greta Thunberg has been under the spotlight for the past year. She gained immediate popularity after being spotted outside the Swedish...

The Poppy: a symbol of remembrance or war?
There was always going to be a stigma around poppies. The concept of war seems outdated in an age that prides itself on social...

Politicians facing climate change – incompetent or corrupt?
Considering that 71% of Britons consider the climate emergency a more pressing issue than Brexit, it would be expected that politicians...

Prince Andrew: a disgrace to the establishment?
Prince Andrew is the Queen of England’s second-born son, who is currently trying to defend his relationship with the convicted sex abuser...

Movember and masculinity: why I’m growing a moustache
Masculinity has been a key topic of recent years whether talking about the rise of populism, the #metoo movement or gang culture, it...

The Chocolate Cartel: the bitter taste left in farmers’ mouths
It’s delectable, delicious and makes us feel happy once consumed! Yes, it's chocolate of course, but the trade of the cocoa bean used to...

Coca Cola’s General Manager, Jonathan Woods, on plastic, Brexit and sugar
A global audit named Coca-Cola the top plastic polluter in the world on the day I interviewed Jonathan Woods, the company’s general...

Racism in sport: can it be solved?
On Monday 14th October, England beat Bulgaria 6-0 in a UEFA Euro qualifying match, which was overshadowed by racism. Bulgaria fans...

Facebook and politics: why should we trust political ads as fact?
In February 2019, Marcus Ball began a private prosecution that transformed the 2016 Brexit referendum into one of the most controversial...
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