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The Sajid’s ‘Migrant Crisis’
Over the Christmas period, much was made of the migrant ‘crisis’ in the English Channel, where between 200 and 300 people tried to cross...

The Last Accepted Racism: The EU And The Roma Gypsy Community
Historically, the Roma gypsy community have long faced prejudice across Europe. Up until the 1840s, Roma gypsies were frequently enslaved...

Russia’s recent resurgence: a threat to the liberal international order?
Russia’s behaviour in recent years has raised questions about its role leading into the future and what impact its behaviour might have...

Norway's Foray Into A Sustainable Future
The Norwegian parliament has recently voted to ban its national biofuel industry from importing palm oil, effectively becoming the first...

Money Talks: the price of greed in Malta
If you were a multi-millionaire looking to invest money in an European Union country, Malta may not be the first country that springs to...

A rock and a hard place?
It was the first result to come in on June 23, 2016. 19,322 voted in favour of remaining in the European Union and just 823 in favour of...

Criminalization is not the answer to Hungary’s homeless problem
On October 12, the Hungarian government amended its constitution by banning the "habitual residence in a public space." As such, the...

10 years on from the Greek financial tragedy: all's well may end well
In 2008, far from the sun kissed streets of Athens, there was a sense of panic and disbelief in a grey New York. Lehman Brothers, the...

The Biggest Loser: The fate of British Higher Education under Brexit
Over the course of a few years, Brexit has evolved substantially from a private fantasy to a national policy matter, and, after the...

Salvini, Trump, and an incremental far-right
Matteo Salvini, the leader of half of the recently formed Italian government has swiftly drawn several comparisons to President Trump. A...
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