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Constructing a meaningful anti-fascist politics
“To forget a Holocaust is to kill twice”. On the 75th anniversary of Auschwitz’s liberation, the words of Elie Wiesel, himself a...
Why the delay Prime Minister? – Select Committees and the Russian Election Interference Report
In November 2019, Boris Johnson blocked the publication of a report into alleged Russian interference in UK democratic politics,...
Enter stage left: The incoming EU Commission's new challenges
In her opening statement to the European Parliament, the newly elected President of the EU Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, stressed the...
Russian aggression in Ukraine cannot be permitted or normalised
High hopes, weighed down by cautious cynicism, accompanied a December summit which saw Russian president Vladimir Putin meet with his...
Pedro Sánchez must reach out to the Spanish middle rather than the left
So this is where we are; despite six months of insisting that he wouldn't trigger a general election, Spain's beleaguered Prime Minister,...
Polish elections: a new chapter?
In Poland’s most recent election, the ruling right-wing party Law and Justice (PiS) narrowly won a second term in office. The election...
Catalonia Creaks
Over the past few days, the political tumult surrounding Catalonian independence has finally reached boiling point. Rioters are beginning...
Jacques Chirac - A Life and Legacy
The former French president Jacques Chirac, an icon in France’s political history with seemingly never-ending luck and one of the longest...
Austrian Coalitions - Keep on Building
On the 29th of September Austrians headed to the polls to decide their future after the collapse of the OVP-FPO government due to...
The green wave: A sustainable political shift in Europe?
Never before have European Green parties been as popular as they are today. In this year’s European elections, the grouping of Green...
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